Benchmarking as a crisis management tool – from theoretical framework to practical application


  • Valentin VASILEV Югозападен университет “Неофит Рилски”



crisis situations, benchmarking, management, efficiency


The use of new management techniques is an integral part of the work of modern organizations. A key difference is the huge pressure currently under which the organizing is currently being put. In this regard, the application and approbation of new techniques successfully applied in other organizations is likely to continue to expand and lead to better results and more hope for the future. Benchmarking as a modern management tool is increasingly necessary in the practice of modern organizations and its proper use is a kind of guarantee for the development of flexibility and adaptability of the structures of successful managers. The use of new management methods is an integral part of the reforming picture of management and is a key factor for competitiveness. On the other hand, a small number of organizations are conservative about changes in their activities, lack initiative on the part of employees in their work and lack flexibility in managing certain processes due to over-centralization of decision-making processes.


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How to Cite

VASILEV, V. (2021). Benchmarking as a crisis management tool – from theoretical framework to practical application. Politics & Security, 5(1), 94–105.

