Possibilities of prevention and reduction of threats affecting the safety and fluidity of land transport





land transport, road transport, rail transport, security threats, logistics, cyber-attack, risk management


Ensuring mobility and the necessary volume of transport is one of the basic preconditions for the functioning of the economy. The potential threat to existing transport systems is therefore an area that needs increased attention. The complexity of current transports is due to their growing frequency, extension of transport routes, as well as the growing number of entities that participate in their implementation, which places ever-increasing demands on their mutual coordination.  It is necessary to continuously monitor the progress of shipments, identify and evaluate the risks that may affect them. Insufficient attention to this issue can lead to time and material losses, in the worst case, the death of their participants, or to the high financial costs required to rebuild the disrupted system. Transport is an open system in which more and more people are working, whether transported or involved in its organization, which increases the possibility of their failure and facilitates the possibility of attack. Strict application of risk management, assessment and, if necessary, implementation of the necessary measures can lead to the protection of high-value assets. At present, we already commonly encounter concepts such as the intelligent transport route or the autonomous means of transport. All these circumstances, as well as the importance of transport, which we could compare to blood circulation of the state's economy, make it a possible target for various types of attacks. Cyber threats and attacks are becoming increasingly relevant today. Such an attack is characterized by a relatively low level of threat to the attacker himself and possible high damage in its successful implementation.


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How to Cite

Reitšpís, J., & Mašľan, M. (2023). Possibilities of prevention and reduction of threats affecting the safety and fluidity of land transport. Politics & Security, 7(3), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8397012

