Crises as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of the management and development of human capital in the organisation


  • Valentin Vasilev Higher School of Security and Economics



human resource management, crisis management, changes, leadership


Human resource management has undergone a significant evolution in terms of the changing and globalising markets and it is oriented towards innovative and practically oriented activities with the main objective of adaptation to the changing environment where organisations operate. New approaches in management have been gaining ground in most developed countries over the last decade, and they cover both the business sector and public services. The main impulse caused by globalisation, is expressed in the recognition of the fact that improvements in the effectiveness of organisations are closely related to the human factor, and hence with practices regarding payment and recruitment, selection, performance management, talent management, incentive policy and other aspects of staff management. Therefore human resources in the era of the globalising society are treated as a capital requiring in turn careful and innovative management. This article contains some key ideas in terms of increasing the efficiency of staff management in the modern organisation and presents conceptual views on the possibilities for applying innovative approaches in the search for positive solutions within the context of increasing the efficiency of organisations.


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How to Cite

Vasilev, V. (2021). Crises as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of the management and development of human capital in the organisation . Politics & Security, 5(2), 52–63.

